The tutoring service run by students for students
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what we do

The basics + more of a complete tutoring service

1-on-1 Tutoring

Our services provide personalized 1-on-1 tutoring to guarantee that you understand the material. 

Completely Free

Our unique service is completely free so that you gets the education that you deserve.

Variety of Subjects

Tutor U's wide range of subjects will allow you to get help in any subject you may be struggling in in.

How it works

You can guarantee your success in just a few steps

sTEp 1

Our locations for tutoring currently include only Gum Spring Library. Email us with a comfortable time and date along with information about the subject you need help in. 

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Step 2

Just meet with us on your scheduled date and get the help you need.  We'll make sure you understand the material before the meeting is over. That's it! 

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Become A Tutor 

We are always looking for more students to join our team here at Tutor U. If you want to become a tutor, please email us with the address below and include your name along with a brief description of why you want to join Tutor U.